Am Donnerstag hatten wir die ersten 2 Stunden Messe, weil es das Ende von Term 3 war. Wir sind also morgens anstatt zum Homeroom gleich zur Kirche, die direkt neben der Schule ist, gelaufen und dann dort nach den Homerooms geordnet in die Kirche gegangen. Die Kirche war unglaublich groß! Alle 900 Schüler + alle Lehrer + einige Besucher waren dort. Es gibt hauptsächlich um die Sisters of Mercy, die eng mit der Schulgeschichte in Verbindung stehen. Ansonsten war es eigentlich wie bei uns die Gottesdienste, wir haben ein Abendmahl gemacht, gesungen, gebetet usw. Nach dem Gottesdienst sind wir dann zurück zur Schule gelaufen, wo wir alle Eis bekommen haben :) Jedes Jahr nach der Messe für Term 3 bekommen alle Schüler Eis, ich versteh zwar nicht warum, es war aber ziemlich cool :)
Die Schule ist mit ca. 900 Schülern wesentlich größer als Coomie (ca.300 Schüler), wobei ich eine kleinere Schule eigentlich besser finde, weil man jeden kennt und alles viel freundschaftlicher ist :) Generell gehen auf St. Joes viele Leute, die mir nicht wirklich sympathisch waren, weil sie mit allem angeben wollten und viel gelästert haben usw.
Wenn ihr sehen wollt, wie die Schule aussieht, könnt ihr hier auf der Website bei einer virtuellen Tour ein paar Fotos anschauen: . Wie bei meiner Schule hier gibt es kein wirkliches Schulgebäude, es gibt nur mehrere Blocks, die jeweils für ein Fach vorgesehen sind (z.B. einen English Block, in dem alle Klassenzimmer sind, in denen Englisch unterrichtet wird) und der Flur ist draußen. Man sitzt also den ganzen Tag draußen, egal bei welchem Wetter :) Es gibt zwar eine Hall, die wird aber nur für Veranstaltungen genutzt. Die Schuluniform auf St. Joseph's besteht aus einem blau/weiß/rot kariertem Kleid für die Mädchen bzw. blauem Hemd und grauen Shorts für die Jungs, einem dunkelblauen Pullover für die 7te bis 10te und einem dunkelroten Pullover für die 11te und 12te. Außerdem sind schwarze Lederschuhe und weiße Socken Pflicht. Es gibt dann noch eine extra Sportuniform usw. Hier sind alle Regelungen zur Schuluniform, wie sie auf der Schulwebsite zu finden sind:
The wearing of school uniform is compulsory and all items must be labelled with the student's name. All items must be identical to those sold in the uniform shop - garments without the College logo are being phased out. Shirts, jumpers, shorts and trousers are embossed with the College logo.
The wearing of school uniform is compulsory and all items must be labelled with the student's name. All items must be identical to those sold in the uniform shop - garments without the College logo are being phased out. Shirts, jumpers, shorts and trousers are embossed with the College logo.
Worn from the first day of Term 4 until 1st May.
Worn from the first day of Term 4 until 1st May.
Girls (7-10)
St Joseph's College check dress (on or just above the knee) or
St Joseph's College blue chambray shirt or polo and Navy dress shorts or navy tailored slacks
St Joseph's College navy V neck jumper
St Joseph's College check dress (on or just above the knee) or
St Joseph's College blue chambray shirt or polo and Navy dress shorts or navy tailored slacks
St Joseph's College navy V neck jumper
Girls (Senior)
St Joseph's College white polo or shirt
Navy dress shorts or navy tailored slacks or
St Joseph's College check dress (on or just above the knee)
St Joseph's College maroon jumper
Plain white ankle socks
Plain black low-heeled shoes, lace up or with cross-over strap (brands/styles will be specified)
St Joseph's College navy bucket hat
College School Bag - Navy with logo (optional)
St Joseph's College white polo or shirt
Navy dress shorts or navy tailored slacks or
St Joseph's College check dress (on or just above the knee)
St Joseph's College maroon jumper
Plain white ankle socks
Plain black low-heeled shoes, lace up or with cross-over strap (brands/styles will be specified)
St Joseph's College navy bucket hat
College School Bag - Navy with logo (optional)
Boys (7-10)
St Joseph's College Grey shorts
St Joseph's College Grey trousers
St Joseph's College blue shirt or polo
St Joseph's College navy V neck jumper
Plain grey or white ankle socks
St Joseph's College Grey shorts
St Joseph's College Grey trousers
St Joseph's College blue shirt or polo
St Joseph's College navy V neck jumper
Plain grey or white ankle socks
Boys (Senior)
St Joseph's College White polo or shirt
St Joseph's College Grey shorts
St Joseph's College Grey trousers
St Joseph's College Maroon jumper
Plain grey or white ankle socks
Plain black low-heeled leather shoes
St Joseph's College navy bucket style hat
College School Bag - Navy with logo (optional)
St Joseph's College White polo or shirt
St Joseph's College Grey shorts
St Joseph's College Grey trousers
St Joseph's College Maroon jumper
Plain grey or white ankle socks
Plain black low-heeled leather shoes
St Joseph's College navy bucket style hat
College School Bag - Navy with logo (optional)
Worn from 1st May until the last day of Term 3
Worn from 1st May until the last day of Term 3
Girls (7-10)
St Joseph's College tartan skirt (at the ground when kneeling) or
Navy tailored slacks
St Joseph's College blue shirt tucked in, long or short sleeve
St Joseph's College tie
St Joseph's College navy V neck jumper
St Joseph's College tartan skirt (at the ground when kneeling) or
Navy tailored slacks
St Joseph's College blue shirt tucked in, long or short sleeve
St Joseph's College tie
St Joseph's College navy V neck jumper
Girls (Senior)
St Joseph's College tartan skirt (at the ground when kneeling) or
Navy tailored slacks
St Joseph's College White shirt tucked in (long or short sleeve)
St Joseph's College tie/Year 12 tie
St Joseph's College Maroon jumper
Plain navy or maroon gloves or scarf may be worn
Navy tights or knee-high socks
Navy socks with slacks
Plain black low-heeled shoes, lace up or with cross-over strap (brands/styles will be specified)
College School Bag - Navy with logo (optional)
St Joseph's College tartan skirt (at the ground when kneeling) or
Navy tailored slacks
St Joseph's College White shirt tucked in (long or short sleeve)
St Joseph's College tie/Year 12 tie
St Joseph's College Maroon jumper
Plain navy or maroon gloves or scarf may be worn
Navy tights or knee-high socks
Navy socks with slacks
Plain black low-heeled shoes, lace up or with cross-over strap (brands/styles will be specified)
College School Bag - Navy with logo (optional)
Boys (7-10)
St Joseph's College Grey trousers
St Joseph's College Blue shirt long or short sleeve tucked in
St Joseph's College tie
St Joseph's College V neck jumper
Boys (Senior)
St Joseph's College Grey trousers
St Joseph's College White shirt tucked in (long or short sleeve)
St Joseph's College tie/Year 12 tie
St Joseph's College Maroon jumper
Grey socks
Plain black low-heeled leather shoes
College School Bag - Navy with logo (optional)
St Joseph's College Grey trousers
St Joseph's College Blue shirt long or short sleeve tucked in
St Joseph's College tie
St Joseph's College V neck jumper
Boys (Senior)
St Joseph's College Grey trousers
St Joseph's College White shirt tucked in (long or short sleeve)
St Joseph's College tie/Year 12 tie
St Joseph's College Maroon jumper
Grey socks
Plain black low-heeled leather shoes
College School Bag - Navy with logo (optional)
St Joseph's College navy polo top with or without house name
St Joseph's College navy sports shorts
Plain white socks
Sports shoes with laces
St Joseph's College Rugby Top
St Joseph's College Track Pants
College hat
Navy pleated skirt (optional for girls)
Students in Years 7 and 8 may wear PE/Sports Uniform to and from school on the days they have a double PE lesson and to Years 9 and 10 students for a PE practical lesson.
St Joseph's College navy polo top with or without house name
St Joseph's College navy sports shorts
Plain white socks
Sports shoes with laces
St Joseph's College Rugby Top
St Joseph's College Track Pants
College hat
Navy pleated skirt (optional for girls)
Students in Years 7 and 8 may wear PE/Sports Uniform to and from school on the days they have a double PE lesson and to Years 9 and 10 students for a PE practical lesson.
In addition to lace-up shoes the following are approved for girls:
Clarks - Plush and Rapture
Grosby - Olivia and Abby
Koala - Music
Candy - Saba
Bata - Zena
Surefit - Jane
Gro Shu - Shelford
Austral - Marie
Please note that the following are not approved:
Basement - Curve and Flex
Crocs - Alice
Bon bons - Caress
Bata - Becca
Candy - Yale
or any similar design.
In addition to lace-up shoes the following are approved for girls:
Clarks - Plush and Rapture
Grosby - Olivia and Abby
Koala - Music
Candy - Saba
Bata - Zena
Surefit - Jane
Gro Shu - Shelford
Austral - Marie
Please note that the following are not approved:
Basement - Curve and Flex
Crocs - Alice
Bon bons - Caress
Bata - Becca
Candy - Yale
or any similar design.
Students should wear the College uniform with pride. It is expected that the students are well presented at all times - clothes ironed, shirts tucked in, hems of skirts and slacks at correct lengths. Hair should be neat and tidy. Long hair is to be tied back. Navy or maroon ribbons may be worn. Unnatural hair colour is not permitted and boys are to be clean-shaven. Cosmetics and brightly coloured nail polish are not to be worn.
Students should wear the College uniform with pride. It is expected that the students are well presented at all times - clothes ironed, shirts tucked in, hems of skirts and slacks at correct lengths. Hair should be neat and tidy. Long hair is to be tied back. Navy or maroon ribbons may be worn. Unnatural hair colour is not permitted and boys are to be clean-shaven. Cosmetics and brightly coloured nail polish are not to be worn.
Sneakers, sports shoes and boots are not acceptable with summer or winter uniform. Plain navy or maroon gloves and scarf may be worn. School Bag (if not College bag) must be navy, red, purple or black.
Jewellery is to be kept to a minimum, e.g.
- One chain with a religious symbol
- No other visible chains, cords or necklaces
- One plain ring on finger
- One sleeper/stud only to be worn in each earlobe
- Wrist watch
- No other jewellery is acceptable
- No facial piercing permitted
Die meisten Schulen hier haben eine extra Shop, wo man die Schuluniform kaufen kann :)
Ich finde die Uniform eigentlich gar nicht so hässlich und es ist in der Schule wirklich besser, wenn jeder das gleiche anhat.. :)
Das sind Schülerinnen der Oberstufe |
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Zum Vergleich: So geh ich normalerweise in die Schule: Schulshirt, (im Winter dunkelgrüner Pulli), Jogginghose, Sneaker |
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